全球胜任力讲座(第21期)Cloud PaaS and Machine Learning Applications 大数据、云计算与人工智能的结合与应用

时间:2023-10-25         阅读:


主题:全球胜任力讲座(第21期)Cloud PaaS and Machine Learning Applications 大数据、云计算与人工智能的结合与应用

主讲人:纽约大学 Jean-Claude Franchitti

主持人:特拉华数据科学学院 余欣

时间:10月31日 20:00—21:00

举办地点:ZOOM会议号: 864—5602—0679

主办单位:特拉华数据科学学院 科研处


Dr. Jean-Claude Franchitti is a Clinical Associate Professor of Computer Science. He held executive positions in large US-based corporations and was a reviewer member on several industry standards committees. Dr. Franchitti’s teaching and research interests include database systems and software engineering with an emphasis on large-scale software architectures and business solutions. He has published articles in numerous refereed publications including the Proceedings of Third Int. Conf. on Cooperative Information Systems, Proceedings of the Sixth International Workshop on Persistent Object Systems, and the 16th International Conference on Software Engineering.

Jean-Claude Franchitti博士现任纽约大学计算机科学副教授。导师拥有30多年的垂直行业工作经验,以及超过25年的教学和培训经验。他曾在美国大型企业担任行政职务,并担任多个行业标准委员会的评审员。Franchitti导师在加州大学博尔德分校、丹佛大学、哥伦比亚大学、纽约大学SCPS和纽约大学考兰特研究所等多所知高校都有过教学经历。Jean-Claude导师的教学和研究兴趣包括数据库系统和软件工程,重点是大规模软件体系结构和业务解决方案。


The application of cloud computing and artificial intelligence technologies is currently one of the hottest trends in computer science. In the era of 5G, data throughput on various business fronts will reach new peaks. To achieve user satisfaction in terms of response speed, process vast amounts of data within a short time, and deliver robust network services, the integration of cloud computing and machine learning has gradually become a necessity. As user demands and technological advancements continue to progress, there is a growing array of cloud-based tools for machine learning. This section will delve into the theoretical and practical aspects of combining machine learning and artificial intelligence technologies with cloud computing (PaaS).
